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If you're a Parent, Carer or someone who works with children - then this is for you! 

Hi I'm Anna 👋

I'm the founder of Screen-Safe and Mum to two tech loving girls.

17% of 3 & 4 year olds have their own social media profiles (Ofcom).

This highlights the urgency of discussing online safety with both children and parents early on. I equip schools and parents with the tools, knowledge, and support needed to enhance children’s safety online in an age-appropriate, engaging, and nonjudgmental manner.

Children must be taught digital literacy and wellbeing, akin to learning road safety or self-care. This includes recognising fake news, handling cyberbullying, and encountering inappropriate content.

While parental controls have their limits, understanding children’s online behaviour and the functionalities of their platforms empowers us to be their most effective safeguard. It's crucial, especially for teenagers, that we guide them in navigating the online world safely, which is why partnering with schools and parents is so vital.

Available Products

For Schools 🎉

Click here if you are a school or nursery

For Parents & Carers 🎉

Parents & Carers of Toddlers to Teens

Overwhelmed at trying to keep on top of what your child is able to see and do online? Frustrated with screentime and wondering how to talk to your child about online harms? Don't know how, when or if to have a conversation about pornography online?

Everything here is ready to help YOU in a non- judgmental and practial way so you can understand the risks yourself and have the tools, knowledge and support to help you guide and educate your child.

Whatever age and stage they are at, I've got resources, support and knowledge to help you keep them safer online whilst also educating them about protecting their privacy, build their digital literacy and wellbeing. 

    Covering social media, screentime, pornography online, gaming, group chats, cyberbullying and so much more! 

    Strategy Session with Anna

    Unlock the full potential of safe online experiences for your children with a live 'one to one' coaching session. In this personalised 1-hour consultation, Anna will guide you through the complexities of digital safety, tailor strategies to your family's specific needs, and equip you with effective tools and insights to protect your children from online harm. Secure a safer digital future for your children by empowering yourself today.

    Protecting Your Child Online. 3 Essential Steps For Parents of 7 - 12yr Olds!

    3 Essential Online Safety Steps Every Parent of 7 - 12years Olds Need To Take
    The 'Tween' age (7-12) is a crucial time to be talking to your child about online safety. It's when they become more curious, have more unsupervised access to the internet and for many get their first phone. But, for Parents, knowing where to start is no easy feat!  

    Follow these 3 steps to help your child stay safer online - from today! 

    Free Resource Hub

    Are you a parent who's child has online access?

    Do you work with children?

    Not sure where or when to start when it comes to online safety and your child(ren) - It can be hard to navigate online risks as a parent or teacher. This is the starting point for you. 

    Get access to this free resource hub for tools, tips and resources to help you keep your child(ren) safer online. Once you've joined you will automatically get all future updates and content sent through as it is released. 

    Get your FREE access now

    Social Media: The Influencers Versus The Influenced

    Worried that you don't know enough about the social media platforms your child is on? Feel like you can't keep up with which platform is coming next? 

    This online course will cover:

    • The impact of social media on young people and children today
    • The 4 main social media platforms used by young people currently. 
    • TikTok, Snapchat, YouTube & Instagram - what are the risks and how can you set parental controls or boundaires in place.
    • An overview of other upcoming apps and platforms to be aware of and which to avoid at all costs.
    • Real Life V Online Life - how to help your child build resilience against the 'perfect' online world
    • Protect their privacy. How to set your child up for a fearless future by not oversharing
    • Social Media - The Benefits. Help your teen make social media work for them.

    Pornography & Sexual Content

    Once your child has access to the internet, the risk of them being exposed to porn or sexual content/situations is there.  The average a child is exposed to porn is 11 years old! 

    This can be a challenging topic for some families to discuss, but as this shocking statistic shows it needs to be a priority for all parents. 

    In this course you will discover how and when to have conversations with your child about pornography and sexual content and ensure they know what to do if they are exposed to explicit or harmful content.

    Make sure your child learns about this from you - not the internet! 

    Digital Defense 101: The Parent's Starter Toolkit for Online Safety

    Tween years at school constantly deliver a whole mix of emotions. It's a busy time, a time when their online worlds become more important to them, new experiences, peer pressure and desire to 'fit in' all add to the mix. 

    Keeping up with what your child is doing and seeing online can feel impossible with everything else that's going on.  Keeping on top of school admin can feel like a full time job in itself!! 

    BUT... This is really a crucial time to be on top of online safety as there are a lot of new influences and access that come into your childs world during this stage, some of which are out of your control, other which you can absolutely minimise risks. By knowing what to look for, what conversations to be having with your child and what controls you can put in place, you can take huge steps to keep your childs online experience a happy and healthy one. 

    Family Tech Agreements

    Creating a family technology use agreement with your child, whatever their age, can be a great way to establish healthy screen time habits and ensure their safety while using digital devices. 

    Pick which one(s) suits your child's age the best and feel free to edit as suits YOUR family and child. 

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